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As we approach the end of 2024, it’s time to prepare for what lies ahead. The year 2025 promises to bring significant changes in tax legislation and the further digitalization of tax compliance at the Tax Office in Suriname. In this Year-End Bulletin, we provide an outline of several important announcements for entities and individuals, effective January 1, 2025. Additionally, we will review key changes expected to take effect in 2025. 


1. Online Submissions of Income Tax Returns 

Starting January 1, 2025, income tax returns for the year 2025 and beyond must be submitted through the online portal. Registration is now open and can be completed at the following link: Individuals and entities liable for income tax are required to register as such on the portal. 

Key Points: 

  • The portal is currently only available in Dutch. 
  • The preliminary income tax return for 2025 will be the first to be filed through the portal. 
  • Both the preliminary and final income tax returns for 2024 will continue to be processed through the old (paper) system. 
  • Entities with a broken fiscal year ending in 2025 will also file their 2024/2025 tax return using the paper system. 
  • The deadlines for filing income tax returns will remain unchanged. 

2. Important Dates 

  • February 15: Deadline for submitting a request with the Tax Inspector to report a lower taxable income on the preliminary income tax return. 
  • April 15: Deadline for filing the preliminary income tax return. 
  • April 30: Deadline for filing the final income tax return for individuals. 
  • June 30: Deadline for filing the final income tax return for entities. 

3. Registration of Foreign Directors 

The Tax Office registers foreign legal representatives of branches and LLC’s ex-officio for income tax purposes. Non-resident legal representatives  are not liable for AOV premiums, and therefore need to be registered as “Type 2” taxpayers, when receiving taxable income in Suriname. These legal representatives cannot register through the portal and must submit a written request to register as “Type 2”. For legal representatives not residing in Suriname nor receiving any taxable income in Suriname, a request letter will have to be sent to the Tax Office not to register the legal representative for tax purposes. 


4. The IMPEX Number is Being Replaced by the FIN  

In 2020, the law “Wet Fiscaal Identificatienummer” introduced a new system consolidating various tax-related numbers (e.g., “vastnummer,” “stamnummer,” and “import-export number”) into a single identification number, the FIN (Fiscaal Identificatienummer). 

  • The FIN was first introduced with VAT in 2023. Entities registered for VAT were assigned a FIN number. 
  • As of 2024, the “stamnummer” was replaced by the FIN for wage tax and AOV premium purposes. 
  • Starting in 2025, the FIN will replace the “vastnummer” for income tax purposes. 
  • As of November 5, 2024, the IMPEX number was also replaced by the FIN, which will now serve as the official identification number for Customs. The portal facilitates the registration for a FIN and login to the ASYCUDA system. 


5. Income Tax Brackets 

The current income tax brackets annually are as follows: 

Income Bracket (SRD) Rate 
0 – 108,000 0% 
108,000 – 150,000 8% 
150,000 – 192,000 18% 
192,000 – 234,000 28% 
234,000 and above 38% 


6. Curacao Starts the Ratification Process 

Suriname currently has two double tax treaties: one with the Netherlands and another with Indonesia. While there have been several negotiations between Curaçao and Suriname in the past, they have never led to a mutual agreement. However, we are pleased to announce that Curaçao and Suriname have successfully agreed on the text of a double tax treaty. Curaçao has recently started the ratification process. Suriname has yet to start the process. Once ratified, this treaty will open doors for greater economic and business activities between the two countries. This agreement represents a significant step forward in bilateral relations. 


7. Proposals 

  • General Revenue Act (Algemene Wet Belastingen) and Act on Judicial Review in Tax Cases  (Wet Rechtspraak Belastingen): An initiative proposal for the Algemene Wet Belastingen and Wet Rechtspraak Belastingen has been filed with the National Assembly but have not been approved yet.  
  • Investment Act (Investeringswet) | Suriname Investment & Trade Agency Act (Wet SITA): A draft of a new Investment Act is currently circulating but has not been presented to the National Assembly. 
  • Tax Authority Act (Wet Belasting Autoriteit): A draft for this law is currently circulating, but has not yet been presented to the National Assembly. 
  • Revised Mining Decree | Law Suriname Minerals Authority: On October 9, a draft of a revised Mining Law, along with a draft law for the Suriname Minerals Authority, was presented during the Council of Ministers meeting. Drafts were not available at the time of writing this Bulletin. 

If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the above-mentioned points, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


KGL Tax & Legal N.V. 

Kwattaweg 51, 2nd floor 

Paramaribo, Suriname 

Tel. +597 471569 / +597 8608145  

The information contained in this publication is of a general nature and does not relate to the specific circumstances of a particular individual or a particular entity. Although the greatest possible care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, we cannot guarantee that the information contained therein on the date of receipt is correct and complete or that it will remain so in the future. Based on this information, no action should be taken without adequate professional advice after a thorough investigation of the specific applicable situation. 


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